Fresh, new
Build, manage and develop your business just the way you aimed it to be. Selopia has you covered with the most user-friendly services that will help you get your business up and running in no time.

Build A Product Together

Create Online Store
The first step is the easiest and yet the most exciting one. Here you finally get onboard with Selopia and create your very own online store.

Receive First Order
It is always a special moment to have your marketing and selling efforts answered. After you are all set with your store, you are good to receive you very first product order.

From Your Doorstep
We hate to see you get out of your comfort zone. Selopia takes pleasure in collecting the product right from your doorstep at your utmost convenience.

To Customer's Doorstep
We love to take the hassle of safe delivery for you. Our highly professional delivery personnel ensures proper delivery of your products right to your customer's doorstep.

Collects The Payment
With the vision to ease the stress of all our esteemed entrepreneurs, we are happy to handle your payments. We keep accurate accounts and ensure prompt payment.