Who We Are

Selopia is a platform that is working with multi-scaled online entrepreneurs in order to harness their skills and help them explore the depths of online markets. Anyone who is running or looking to start an online business of their own is our concern. We strongly believe, with the right composition of technical and theoretical assistance in running an online business, anyone can create a milestone for themselves.

We go about with the Vision to create an empowered nation that is self-sustaining with entrepreneurs who are aligned with the current trends of the Digital Era.

Contact Info
+(880) 963-8884444 hello@selopia.com
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I'm constantly on the hunt for new and unique ways to market my services and beauty products. I strongly feel it has the potential to have a great influence on society by making it easy for small businesses to sell products to consumers and assist local communities in their progress and expansion.


Being an entrepreneur, my early days were no walk in the park. Only if I had the right guidance could I have built my online platform way faster than I did. Selopia's offerings play a crucial role for every novice entrepreneur trying to explore the online market.

JABED MAWLA Founder & CEO Kabuliwaala

I run the platform named 'Torun Udyokta', a community platform for entrepreneurs. In Business, professionalism is a must. However, in most cases, entrepreneurs are failing to maintain that. I believe this initiative will serve the entrepreneurs to grow rapidly.

S.B RATAN Co-founder Tarun Udyokta

I believe, In a growing economy like Bangladesh, entrepreneurs will be the torch bearers of the near future. Selopia seems to have made the lives of our local online entrepreneurs much easier through their intuitive services.


The right solutions

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UI/UX Design 0

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Fresh, new ideas

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Market analysis

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Financial advice

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Innovative solutions

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Optimal choice

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Business strategy

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Marketing outline

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